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Is this derby death? - 2011-08-29
college savings plan? - 2011-03-23
I'm a slacker. - 2011-03-15
Let me explain... - 2010-07-19
- - 2010-03-09



2005-08-05 - 3:48 p.m.

Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was actually quite fun. The aunts were not as loud and annoying as I remember them, and the food made the hour and half each way worth the trip.

Yesterday I took the kids to lunch at this awesome pizza place and while we were in line the woman behind me was talking into her cell so loud that the people across the restaurant could hear her entire conversation. That has always bothered me for some strange reason. Finally she is done and then she starts telling the counter girl that she just saw a little kid get run over by a car and she was so shaken. Then the wierd part. She then proclaims that she hates children but loves her dogs. I think that is a horrible thing to say, especially with people's children around to hear it.

After my initial shock I'm looking at her really well now and I swear she looks like a troll. She is short, so tan that she looks like her skin is made of leather. that is all pretty normal but then I get a good look at her face, she looked like a pug dog. Her face was almost smashed in and she had no eyebrows to speak of and her lips were sunken into her mouth. All I'm thinking is that it's a good thing she doesn't breed. I swear some people are so incredibly rude and horrible.
On a way exciting note...well exciting for me anyway. Look what I can do with our new computer and printer! I love it!Image hosted by Photobucket.comMy Brother's wedding last DcecmberImage hosted by This was just a few months ago at Disneyland!


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