


last five

Is this derby death? - 2011-08-29
college savings plan? - 2011-03-23
I'm a slacker. - 2011-03-15
Let me explain... - 2010-07-19
- - 2010-03-09



2005-04-16 - 11:15 a.m.

Ahhhhh... My life is so hard. Yesterday I think I spent about 6 hours on the couch watching the second season of Angel, eating coco pebbles and chicken enchiladas. Yes indeed I have it rough. My Mother called and wanted to go to lunch like we usually do on Friday. I just didn't feel up to hauling my butt up and getting ready. She wasn't happy. So, I told her about my sister's newest mental quirk. That always cheers her up.

Thursday my psycho sister calls and says she passed a kidney stone all by herself without the aid of a hospital and pain killers. She says she is so proud of herself. Ugh. Stupid is more like it. She acts like she did something exceptional. I'm thinking exceptionally moronic. She is calling to brag because I have had four kidney stones and I always go to the hospital because it's just too painful.

My theory is that she is like the mental patients that have the strength of ten men and they don't feel pain. She is seriously mental so I could see how this is a valid theory. She lets her teeth rot out of her head because she doesn't want to spend the money to get it fixed.

She said at one point she told her Husband that she couldn't stand it anymore it just hurt too bad and he told her to "just go lie down and you will feel better". Idiot.

But whatever I guess I'm just a wimp because I rely on "modern" medicine to stop excruciating pain.



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