


last five

Is this derby death? - 2011-08-29
college savings plan? - 2011-03-23
I'm a slacker. - 2011-03-15
Let me explain... - 2010-07-19
- - 2010-03-09



2004-06-14 - 11:16 a.m.

The Highland Festival has come and gone. I think I did pretty well. I can only count 3 times that I screwed up. Scott counted only twice so that is really good that he missed one. I also think I recovered well when I did mess up. Ashley did a great job, she has performed so much I think it just doesn't affect her anymore. I tend to get so nervous, although this time I didn't quite so much. It was so much fun! I wish I had found this years and years ago. 14 years seems like an eternity ago since I dance in a group and performed. It seems so natural and right. Like I am supposed to be doing this.

I am just so grateful for Liesl and Leia for their help and support. I know I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for them. They are truly the sweetest people I know, I wish I was more like them. They are so patient with me, I know sometimes I'm remedial and need so much extra help, they say it's not so but...I am such a perfectionist I always want to do it perfect and get it the first time. *sigh* Hopefully I'm getting better. Scott says I am, so that's great.

Scott's parents came even thought it cost them $20.00 to get in and they really don't have any money right now. They have always been so supportive of my kids and me whenever we do anything. I am so not used to that. My parents didn't go, they said it was because it cost too much but they think nothing of spending $50.00 on dinner. I didn't expect them too, it's just not important to them. It never was when I was younger either. I remember going to dance competitions with my friend's parents because they didn't want to go. There is no way I would miss something that big.

Bitter, table for two this way....

Kidding, I'm not bitter, I just don't understand how they think sometimes. July 9th we will be dancing at the Payson Scottish Festival and I suppose we will see if they decide to go to that. It's free.

My dress felt a little tight. I started a new birth control a few months ago and it seemed to up my appetite and I've gained a few pounds. Not a lot but enough that I can feel a difference in my clothes. So I called and got it switched back and hopefully it will be better. I also started doing pilates and maybe that increased my need for food.....okay my need for hot fudgey brownies. I'm so bad, I just have to stop making them! I think I'll have Ashley hide the cocoa then I won't be able to make them. heh.

I will not eat any chocolate today! If write it down them maybe it will become a commitment. I'll let you know tomorrow if I kept it.

Hershey kisses.


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