


last five

Is this derby death? - 2011-08-29
college savings plan? - 2011-03-23
I'm a slacker. - 2011-03-15
Let me explain... - 2010-07-19
- - 2010-03-09



2003-11-04 - 1:27 p.m.

Just when I think my children hate each other and could cheerfully kill their other siblings without a thought my youngest proves that I might, just might be teaching them something good.

Let me start at the beginning. One afternoon I was quietly reading when Noelle (the youngest at 5) comes running in crying saying that her sister pinched her under her arm, which is a very tender spot to be pinched). I called Ashley (now 12) she came in denying that she has done such a horrific thing. I didn't believe her. She then burst into tears saying "I can't believe you think I'm lying!!"

I started to doubt. Maybe my sweet Noelle had tried to get Ashley into trouble. I sent them both to their rooms until I got the truth out of one of them. Fifteen minutes later Noelle came in saying she had lied to get Ashley into trouble. I grounded her for the day and sent her back to her room with an apology to her sister. She didn't cry or seem to be too upset about it.

Three days later I found out why.

Ashley came to me crying saying she had lied and needed to tell me what happened. I had totally forgotten about the incident, if that's what you could call it anyway. She confessed she lied and really did pinch Noelle. I asked her if she gave Noelle something to take the blame or threatened her. No, she had just seen her sister crying and felt bad for her and took the blame all on her own. She even took the grounding for her sister.

I honestly had tears thinking of the love a little sister had for her cherished big sister.

Would that we all had this kind of love.


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